May 19, 2020


Dear Community Members:

 As we complete the 2019-2020 school year, we would like to update you on a couple of outstanding issues specific to everyone within our community.

 Given these highly unusual and difficult times, the leadership of our district wants to thank our parents, teachers, and students for going above and beyond in completing the many year-end school requirements impacted by the COVID crisis.  Times like this bring out the very best in people, and that is exactly what has happened in our district and community.

 During the past school year, we have devoted considerable time and energy in developing plans for improving our school buildings.  Among the options being evaluated is the construction of a new single K-8 educational center to replace our three outdated elementary buildings – a solution many believe to be cost-effective in saving maintenance, repairs and energy dollars in the years ahead.  We were tentatively planning a series of spring/summer community meetings to consider looking further into our options when the COVID crisis hit.  Those meetings have been placed on hold.

 Until we can accurately determine the full impact of the COVID crisis, we are delaying further consideration of a new educational center.  However, we will continue to monitor financial conditions at local, state, and national levels.  Presently, no one knows the status of potential state funding to assist districts in building improvements.  In addition, the financial impact of the COVID crisis on the Illinois state budget is yet to be determined.  Plus, questions exist on what/if any additional federal responses will be in stimulating the economy between now and year-end.

 We do know our existing building problems will not go away, and at some point, when more is known about the full impact of the COVID crisis, we will, as a community, work together to address our building needs.  Let’s hope that is sooner rather than later.

 Lastly, I’d like to congratulate our 2020 graduates and apologize for not being able to host our normal graduation ceremony.  I know our graduates will experience success in taking the next steps in their lives.  I look forward to hearing from and reading about these graduates in the years ahead as they share in their life successes.

 Please email or call if you have questions.  Know that we are already working at providing a great experience for our students during the 2020-21 school year.


Brad Lee                                                                          Andy Acord

Superintendent                                                              Board President

