Mr. Knight’s class had the best attendance for the month of January! Please wash your hands and get plenty of rest so you can stay healthy!!!! Way to go class! Every day matters!
about 5 years ago, Amy Dixon
Our Top Dogs for the Week!
about 5 years ago, Amy Dixon
Proud of our Top Dogs!
Skate Night for Lincoln and Jefferson (February 13th) will be rescheduled due to a small fire at the facility. We will let you know the new date as soon as they reopen.
about 5 years ago, Amy Dixon
White County Soil and Water Conservation District Poster Winners!
about 5 years ago, Lacey Moore
Congratulations to our poster winners from Jefferson! 1st place - Violet, 2nd place- Brinkley, & 3rd place - Mila
Yearbooks are on sale now for $12.00. Order forms were sent home and are due back by February 14th!
about 5 years ago, Amy Dixon
Check out the Jefferson Attendance Center "news" tab of the CUSD 5 app for the latest school newsletter and the "dining" tab for current breakfast and lunch menus!
about 5 years ago, Amy Dixon
We're thrilled to announce Carmi-White County School District #5's new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: or iPhone
about 5 years ago, Jason Craig
Half-Day Teacher Inservice this Friday, January 17th! Dismissal at 11:50am.
about 5 years ago, Lacey Moore
about 5 years ago, Amy Dixon