Progress reports are coming home today with students. Please discuss progress and sign the sheet for students to return.

Please note, Washington Attendance Center & the Jr/Sr High School will be offering meals to our 6th-12th grade students on remote Wednesday 9/16. A sack lunch and breakfast will be provided, free of charge to any enrolled student. This can either be sent home with the student on Tuesday afternoon, or picked up by a parent or guardian on Wednesday between the hours of 9:00 am and noon. Parents please specify which method you prefer when calling. Please pre-order by 4:00 pm today, 9/14. #BulldogPride

6th Grade Remote Learning Guidance

6th Grade Remote Learning Guidance

Reminder: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS on Friday, September 11.
C-WC CUSD #5 will have a Teacher's In-service day.

Last week the National School Lunch Program, through the US Department of Agriculture and the ISBE, announced that they have approved a waiver for all students to receive a free breakfast and a free lunch each day through the end of December. Beginning Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Carmi-White County Schools will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program allowing all enrolled students, whether face-to-face or remote, to receive these meals during school days. Please keep in mind that the waiver does not eliminate any lunch/breakfast debt that is currently owed nor does it include any a la carte, extra milk, or extra food items outside of the standard meal. #BulldogPride

Reminder- Please refer to our district website for information regarding First Quarter schedule & calendar changes. #BulldogPride

Our teachers and staff have done an amazing job of providing both face to face and remote instruction to our students. Please remember that Office Hours for grades 6-12 teachers to help Remote Learners is Monday through Friday from 2:30 p.m to 3:20 p.m #BulldogPride

4th Grade Back To School Night

6th Grade Back To School Night

Back To School Night - General Info

C-WC #5 Question and Answer Addendum to the Back to School Plan #BulldogPride

C-WC #5 Return To School #BulldogPride

Our NEW online registration opens TODAY! Please view the online registration directions prior to registering on our district website.
Students can be enrolled via a registration link on our district's website, app, and Facebook pages. We encourage parents/guardians to register online, including payment. All classroom fees, lock & agenda fees, and Chromebook insurance fees have been combined to one nominal fee. For most buildings, this has resulted in a reduced registration fee for families.
Since registration for the 2020-2021 school year will be solely online, staff will be available to assist with online registration and payment via cash or check, on Thursday, August 6th in each building from 9am to 7pm. While registering your student in person, masks or face coverings will be required, and social distancing guidelines will be followed.
In addition to online registration, please remember to fill out the Return-to-School Survey to let us know if your child(ren) will be attending in-person, remotely, or have chosen another option if you have not done so already. As soon as these surveys have been completed, we will be able to assign classroom teachers & schedules.

Please click on the link below for a News Release from the Superintendent regarding the opening of school. https://5il.co/ipl9

Please click on the link below to complete the Return-to-School survey.

Please click on the link below to view the Back-to-School Considerations.

Letter from the Superintendent 7-21-2020
Please click on the link: https://5il.co/iguk

Click here to see the Fall 2020 Return-to-School Plan! https://5il.co/ige3